Casual Jeweler launched in 2014 as a way for the mindful consumer to make informed choices when purchasing, gifting or caring for their fine jewelry. This site is a place for you to get comfortable with the basics as well as prepare yourself for asking the right questions if you’re thinking about making a major purchase. Additionally, if you simply love jewelry and want to broaden your knowledge of all things that glitter, that’s what we offer.

Our content will mainly focus on jewelry in everyday life and everyday situations. In Jewelry 101 we address the questions we get asked about by friends, acquaintances and on social media. Casual Conversations focuses on fun and sometimes outrageous stories where names will be changed to protect the innocent. Here is where we will also include interviews or guest posts. Gems of Knowledge are interesting bits of jewelry industry news, historical anecdotes and a little technical reading that we think you will enjoy. Posts can be read individually if you’re looking to answer a specific question, but we invite you to broaden your knowledge by browsing different categories as well.

My Background

Casual Jeweler was started after I left my career as a chemical engineer to find balance and further my jewelry studies. Following 10 years of jewelry classes and part-time retail work, I wanted to find a way to bridge the knowledge gap between the jewelry industry veteran and the average consumer. I completed my graduate gemologist (GG) degree from the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) in 2016, and I continue to study metallurgy and gemology as well as follow the trends in the jewelry industry. Please subscribe to my blog of follow me on Instagram to stay in touch.